I have some good news and some not so good news.
The not so good news is that all releases are being delayed due to some behind the scenes business stuff.
The good news is once that stuff is all done, I can pretty much guarantee three releases in the next three months. Arcane Kingdoms is on the launch pad and ready to lift off in February. For Simple Coin: Four Tales of Sword Noir has passed all its tests and should be graduating in March. And the Sword Noir RPG is in the final stretch, and unless there is an absolute disaster, it will be ready to go in April.
Kiss My Axe is in the final stages of writing. Art hasn’t begun yet, but we are optimistic. Given that its slot has moved to May, I am confident we can hit that date.
So there we go, release months (if not exact dates) for the first quarter of this year. Not bad.
After that? Who knows? If we do well, there is an adventure ready to be released for Sword Noir. I have also had some people asking about more modern stuff—which may mean a resurrection of Spec Ops or perhaps even the Osiris Files. If Kiss My Axe does well, I have a Sword Noir hack for the Roman legions that I could bang out. If For Simple Coin does well, I have a second collection of short stories I could release.
Or if nothing that SEP does creates a splash at all, I might just roll it up and concentrate on my fiction writing.
The future is murky and my divination skills suck.