Spec Ops in Various Systems

In a series of posts over at Sword’s Edge, I talk about using light systems for modern military, special operations-type characters. I wrote them because I’m thinking about writing a Spec Ops style adventure using our Sword’s Edge System. I’ve always kind of thought I needed crunchy, robust systems to model military adventures. The posts helped me to rationalize my options, make me consider what different rules sets can deliver.

As part of that, here are some examples of a “shooter” style character—a sniper or other weapons specialist—in different rules sets. I think each system provides different advantages, but I think I’m happy with what SES can do.

You can read the articles here (part 1), here (part 2), and here (part 3).

And have a look at d20 Modern, Modern20, True20, and SES.

The characters are using gear that would not stand out in a post-Soviet, Central Asian Republic—just like the one found in the Albenistan series.

D20 Modern
Tough Hero 2/Combat Hero 2/Sniper 2: CR 6; HD 2d10 plus 2d10 plus 2d8; hp 34; DR 3; MAS 11; Init +3; Spd 30ft.; Def 19, touch 18, flatfooted 16; BAB +5; Grap +6; Atk +6 melee (1d4+1, combat knife), or +8 ranged (2d10 SVDS), or +8 ranged (2d6, P226); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; AL Det 7, the mission; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3; AP 32; Rep +2

Str 12, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 10
Skills: Balance 4 (+7/+5), Climb 5 (+6/+4), Concentration 5 (+5), Escape Artist (+3/+1), Hide 8 (+13/+11), Jump (+1/-1), Listen 5 (+10), Move Silently 8 (+13/+11), Speak Language (Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Urdu), Spot 8 (+13), Survival 4 (+7), Tumble (+3/+1).
Feats: Alertness, Armour Proficiency (light), Dead Aim, Far Shot, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Stealthy.
Talents (Tough Hero): Remain Conscious
Class Features (Sniper): Improved Dead Aim (+3), Improved Far Shot, Massive Shot
Occ: Military (Hide, Move Silently; Personal Firearms Proficiency)

Possessions: Izhmash SVDS sniper rifle; 6 SVDS magazines; Leupold electro-optical scope for SVDS; removable silencer for SVDS; Norinco P226 autoloader pistol; 4 P226 magazines; removable silencer for P226; combat knife; binoculars, electro-optical; chem-lights (5); compass; flashlight; map, area; load-bearing vest; multi-purpose tool; night vision goggles; PLGR (precision, lightweight GPS receiver); rope (synthetic, 75 ft); satcom; tactical radio, undercover vest (DR 3, Def 1).

Powerhouse 6: HD 6d10; HP 45; DR 4; Init +3; Spd 30 ft. (25 ft. in armour); Defence 17, flatfooted 14; BAB +6; Atk +7 melee (1d4+2, combat knife) or (1d4+1, unarmed), or +11/+10 ranged (2d10+5+2, SVDS) or +9/+8 ranged (2d6+2, P226); SQ Melee Master; AL D7, the mission; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5, Rec +5; Rep +3; AP: 9

Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10
Background: Military (Athletics, Unarmed, Weapons)
Occupation: Hunter (Called Shot, Double Tap)
Hobby: Speak Language
Skills: Acrobatics (+3/+0), Athletics 4 (+5/+2), Firearms 9 (+12), Outdoorsman 9 (+16), Perception 9 (+12), Speak Language (Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Urdu) 4, Stealth 9 (+16/+13), Unarmed 4 (+5), Weapons 4 (+5)
Feats: Attack Focus (Sniper Weapons System), Attack Specialization, Cross Training (Perception), Far Shot, Greater Attack Focus, Greater Precise Shot, Precise Shot, Talented (Outdoorsman, Stealth), Trackless
Access/Contacts/Followers: Favours 3
Wealth: 12

Possessions: Izhmash SVDS sniper rifle; 6 SVDS magazines; Leupold electro-optical scope for SVDS; removable silencer for SVDS; Norinco P226 autoloader pistol; 4 P226 magazines; removable silencer for P226; combat knife; concealable armour; binoculars, electro-optical; chem-lights (5); compass; flashlight; map, area; load-bearing vest; multi-purpose tool; night vision goggles; PLGR (precision, lightweight GPS receiver); rope (synthetic, 75 ft); satcom; tactical radio.

Warrior 6
Core Ability: Determination
Speed: 30 ft. Reputation +1
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +3/+0, Climb +1/-2, Concentration (9) +11, Escape Artist +3/+0, Jump +1/-2, Languages (4) (Arabic, English, French, Pashto, Tajik) +4, Notice (9) +11, Sleight of Hand +3/+0, Stealth (9) +12/+9, Survival (5) +7, Swim +1/-2
Feats: Armour Training, Attack Focus (rifle), Attack Specialization (rifle), Far Shot, Firearms Training, Greater Attack Focus (rifle), Improved Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Sneak Attack
Combat: +9 (+6 base, +3 Dex), Defence Dodge/Parry +9/+7 (+6 base, +3 Dex/+1 Str), Initiative +3
Savings Throws Toughness +4 (+3 armour, +1 Con), Fortitude +6 (+5 base, +1 Con), Reflex +5 (+2 base, +3 Dex), Will +4 (+2 base, +2 Wis)
Background: SpecOps (bonus: Armour Training /favoured: Attack Specialization (firearms), Sneak Attack)

Possessions: Izhmash SVDS sniper rifle; 6 SVDS magazines; Leupold electro-optical scope for SVDS; removable silencer for SVDS; Norinco P226 autoloader pistol; 4 P226 magazines; removable silencer for P226; combat knife; undercover vest; binoculars, electro-optical; chem-lights (5); compass; flashlight; map, area; load-bearing vest; multi-purpose tool; night vision goggles; PLGR (precision, lightweight GPS receiver); rope (synthetic, 75 ft); satcom; tactical radio.

Concept: Sniper, Great
Background: Hunter, Good
Faculty: Linguist, Good
Flaw: Code of Honour, Basic

Trait                           Quality
Physique: Good      Pathfinder Company, Good; Close Quarters Battle, Good
Cunning:  Good       Outdoorsman, Good

Possessions: Izhmash SVDS sniper rifle; 6 SVDS magazines; Leupold electro-optical scope for SVDS; removable silencer for SVDS; Norinco P226 autoloader pistol; 4 P226 magazines; removable silencer for P226; combat knife; concealable armour; binoculars, electro-optical; chem-lights (5); compass; flashlight; map, area; load-bearing vest; multi-purpose tool; night vision goggles; PLGR (precision, lightweight GPS receiver); rope (synthetic, 75 ft); satcom; tactical radio.

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