Time for some Axe Kissing

Are you ready for some Viking mayhem and adventure? Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death is now available in PDF and Print. January of 2012 will see the release of Suffer the Witch, an adventure for Kiss My Axe.

Kiss My Axe uses the same underlying system as Sword Noir – the Sword’s Edge System – but it has been altered to provide a greater focus on combat, kind of important for Vikings.

Suffer the Witch is the one-shot used at Gen Con 2011, though updated to reflect both the experiences at Gen Con and further consideration of the scenario. If you played Suffer the Witch at Gen Con, you’ll find the establishing portion of the adventure slightly different, but the actual conflict and the characters themselves are pretty much as presented at Games on Demand in Indy.

For those of you interested, the budget for Kiss My Axe is just over $ 1,000. On the assumption that 75% of sales are PDF only and 25% are Print, I’ll need to sell 320 copies to break even (270 PDFs and 50 Print). Right now, with Sword Noir, we’ve sold 219 PDFs and 47 Print copies. Sword Noir has been out since April 2011, so that’s basically 8 months of sales. Sword Noir had a bigger budget than Kiss My Axe, but I expect to see fewer sales of Kiss My Axe. Given all that, there is some hope that Kiss My Axe will turn a profit within a year. That would be awesome.

You can find Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death here.

You can find Sword Noir, the Sword’s Edge System, and other awesome Sword’s Edge Publishing products here.

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  1. […] recently got sent a review copy (PDF) of Kiss My Axe, a Viking-themed RPG by Fraser Ronald, who also created Sword Noir, which I reviewed a few posts […]

  2. Hey dude,
    You made the DriveThruRPG.com weekly newsletter (01/05/2012)

    1. We’re a hit! Or something? Perhaps a punchline?

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