Welcome to 2013. Watch your step.
A summary of 2012? I reached the culmination of one spurt of design energy with the release of “Suffer the Witch” for Kiss My Axe, and then lay fallow (save for finishing some short stories) until I got the bug again and made an initial stab at Centurion: Legionary of Rome, which led to Head Crushers, which led to a quiet period when I hit an impasse in the design, and then the recent decision to move forward with a new design of Centurion through crowd-funding.
2013 will hopefully bring a completed Centurion by Gen Con (did I mention I’m definitely attending this year? Yay me!). Over the Christmas holiday, I also started seriously thinking about reviving Head Crushers and releasing it as a short, maybe 30-page product, for about $1.99. The question becomes can I clean it up to an acceptable level without interfering in my Centurion work. On this, I will promise nothing, just tease.
And the big news for the New Year? Sword Noir: a Role-Playing Game of Hardboiled Sword & Sorcery has finally reached profitability. The total budget for Sword Noir was $ 1338.59, and as of 31 Dec 2012, the revenue from it has reached $ 1,339.37. Okay, not even a dollar of actual profit yet, but at least it is in the black. Sword Noir was released 3 Apr 2011, so it’d just under two years to pay it off. That’s earlier than expected, but not by much.
I don’t expect Kiss My Axe to move into the black for another two years at least. No one hold their breath, please.
Total Sales for December 2012
Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 1
Covert Forces
In Her Majesty’s Service, 1
Line Zero, 1
Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 1
Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 3
Kheufer Scrolls, 5
Kiss My Axe, 2
Suffer the Witch, 4
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules, 14
Sword Noir, 5
Total Sales to Date
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113): 32
Khorforjan Gambit: 105
Qalashar Device: 118
Raid On Ashkashem: 159
Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms: 41
Gifts of the Elder Gods: 36
For Simple Coin: 57
Charity Products
Relief Effort: 55
Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section: 101
Covert Forces: 100
Covert Forces Redux: 164
In Her Majesty’s Service: 139
Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit: 36
Line Zero: 36
Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 325
Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 102
Kiss My Axe, 138
Suffer the Witch, 78
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules 1179
Sword Noir 356
The Kheufer Scrolls, 149