#RPGaDAY2015 is the brainchild of game designer Dave Chapman. Basically, each day in August there is a question about RPGs. This is day 20.
Favourite Horror RPG: Okay, this one is nigh impossible. I don’t think I’ve ever played a horror RPG. I’ve never played any kind of White Wolf game, never played any kind of Cthulhu, never fought zombies or hunted ghosts on the tabletop. Now, RPG A Day allows one to choose something else if one doesn’t have an answer, so I’m going to go with Favourite Investigative RPG.
And that’ll be easy. Gumshoe. I used the Esoterrorists to run a short-lived X-Files meets Planetary campaign, and it worked fantastic. I love it for what it does – investigations. The best part is that the philosophy that drive it to excel for investigations is easily adaptable to most games. And it has for my games.