Avoiding Angst

I just wrote a very long, very confessional blog post about why the site has been so quiet. Bottom line – I still enjoy developing games but I do not enjoy Kickstarting them. Unfortunately, after having released games that have been Kickstarted and look very professional, I am hesitant to release anything without that level of investment.

The horns of a dilemma.

In the end, I have to figure out what I want to do – what I want SEP to become. Right now, I’m not sure. I am kind of hooked on developing systems. At the same time, I am starting to wonder if maybe I just need to settle back into running games, running already established systems or even my own RPGs, just not creating a game for every game I want to play.

More to follow.

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  1. you and an artist I know should write webcomics!!!

    1. Made the offer. 😉

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