A science-fiction soldier is firing their rifle with a scope in an abstract landscape.

Memories of War

This one-pager is inspired by the key event in Cyberpunk 2077—the theft of a super-rare technology from a scion of a corporate empire. It’s a heist with major stakes and major repercussions.


The PCs in this adventure have all been burned by the same corporation. Palantine Security Solutions is a private security company that had also once had a private military corporation. After the Central Asian War of 2033, Palantine closed down its PMC and focused on security and law enforcement. Something happened, something so heinous that even a powerful corporation would feel the repercussions. Stock prices, contracts, and even corporate alliances would be shaken.


The City: The City is a corporate city run by on land leased from Indonesia on the Strait of Malacca. While it has its own law enforcement—contracted out to Palantine—its court system is under the jurisdiction of Indonesia, meaning justice might be hard to reach, but it is not entirely inaccessible.

DataHub: Palantine has a very secure facility in. Deep inside that facility, air gapped from its accessible networks, is its MemCore—a central repository of corporate records reaching back into the 20th century, safe from EMP and data-strikes.


Erbol Batalov: The CEO of Palantine rose to that position by participating in a collection of assassinations. He was Director of Operations for Palantine’s PMC and is directly implicated in the corporation’s criminal actions in the Central Asian War.

Martin Radovanovic: The Vice-President for Operations, Southeast Asia who is directly responsible for the law enforcement contract in The City and a Batalov loyalist who has been involved in Batalov’s criminal actions in gaining the hightest office. Radovanovic pulled the trigger in the murder of Ranjan Varma, whose position of Director General of Central Asian Operations when to Batalov.

The Mole: An insider contacts the PCs suggesting that there is information in the Palantine DataHub linked to crimes in the Central Asian War that could bring down the corporation. The Mole is someone who knows one or more of the PCs and who is still on the inside, but incredibly bitter and feeling unappreciated.


The First Step: The PCs will need to get information on the DataHub and access vulnerabilities for the facility in order to breach the MemCore. This starts a ticking clock as Palantine will know the information is in the wild, and might plug vulnerabilities if the PCs don’t act quickly.

The Breach: The PCs will need to physically enter the facility in order to provide access to the MemCore for their hacker. The information revealed in The First Step will make this possible, but it still won’t be easy. Then the hacker(s) needs to overcome security on the Datahub, which might reveal the presences of the PCs to the facility’s security force.

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