This adventure is designed for a cyberpunk or near-future dystopia kind of setting, but could certainly be adapted to almost any genre with a bit of work. Instead of an arcology, maybe it’s a village the local lord has abandoned. Maybe it’s a neighbourhood in a city in an ungoverned space.
The basic premise is one that has been seen throughout history—when the authorities decide not to resource civil order in an area, someone ultimately arises to impose it. Those that arise as alternative providers of civil order are either criminal organization or they evolve into one. It then becomes really difficult of state authorities to then reassert power over the area, if they ever try. The areas have often become heavily criminalized with extreme sanctions for those cooperating with the authorities.
The adventure works best if the region is one the PCs know well through previous interaction. It might be the location of a safehouse, or perhaps an informant or other ally that has helped the PCs previously. A situation like this might end up feeling like a status quo the PCs do not consider shifting or that the PCs do not need to address. I mean injustice and oppression is everywhere, right?
The movie Dredd has definitely inspired a lot of this.
In response to an efficiency study, Palantine Security Solutions—the contracted law enforcement provider for the city—has reduced services to the quarter of Northways. Many of the arcologies—vertical communities designed to include every convenience and service within its structure—have therefore been left without effective security. This has enticed the 77s gang to seek to dominate Ivy Brook—municipal arcology 3-12. They have gained control of the lower floors—essentially controlling access to the arcology. A trusted ally or friend of the PCs either lives in Ivy Brook or has connections to the arcology. They contact the PCs requesting their help. Palantine certainly isn’t going to.
The Entrance: The 77s control the ground floor and have intimidated all the services providers and vendors that operate at the base of the arcology. Others have simply abandoned the community as its too unsafe. But the PCs need to get in. Is there something the 77s have overlooked? Is there a resource to which the PCs have access that can help?
The Security Pod: This houses the security network for the arcology. It controls all the CCTV and emergency response mechanisms through the structure, as well as directly linking into the first response communication network for the city. The law enforcement connection is non-responsive, but the emergency medical service link remains. As is normal in the city, any request for medical services must first get cleared through a preliminary credit review before any services will be dispatched.
The Entrepreneur: A 77s under-boss who was sick of leading the crew that ran a flew blocks and dreams bigger. They were the first to decide to exploit the vulnerability of Ivy Brook. The 77s leadership isn’t completely convinced—worried it’ll draw too much heat—but so far, The Entrepreneur seems to be right. Palantine hasn’t reacted at all.
The Rep: This is a civilian who is trying to negotiate for the residents of the arcology, someone basically put forward by most of the other residents. The 77s consider The Rep a threat, and they are under a kind of house arrest, with 77s guarding them and their family—“for their own protection.”
Identification: At some point, the 77s will probably become aware of the PCs presence. If the PCs were using stealth or another subtle approach, this will change the nature of the game. The 77s will be actively hunting them, putting residents at risk. If the PCs are trying the direct approach . . . well then this is the moment of contact. It won’t change a thing.
Breach: While there is some connectivity to the Net for the arcology’s systems, the 77s have disconnected it security, environmental, and emergency networks. They are now air-gapped, meaning they need to be accessed from inside Ivy Brook. If the PCs can get into even one of those systems, it will provide access to the others, and give them a huge advantage.