Lawless Heaven Now Available

Four cops. One hundred criminals. Countless broken bones.

The Sword’s Edge adventure, “Lawless Heaven” is now available through the Composed Dream Games RPG Marketplace. You can also find Sword’s Edge there.

In this homage to modern Korean action cinema, Three cops and an intelligence operative in South Korea’s industrial heartland face off against a local gang involved in a heroin smuggling ring. The cops have only one order: bust the ring, but no one realizes the true depth of this particular cesspool.

This is an adventure for two to six characters for Sword’s Edge. It includes six pre-generated characters and supplemental rules for chase scenes.

This adventure, and others, are part of my Patreon campaign, which I would appreciate you supporting.

You can find out more about “Lawless Heaven” here.

Lawless Heaven at CanGames

Are you going to be in Ottawa this weekend? If so, do you want to kick some ass in Ulsan? Then “Lawless Heaven” would be your jam.

I’ll be running “Lawless Heaven” on Saturday at 14:00 and Sunday at 09:00 this weekend (20 & 21 May).

In case you don’t know, “Lawless Heaven” is my homage to South Korean action cinema using my recently Kickstarted RPG Sword’s Edge. Seats are still available.

You can find the schedule here.

You can find CanGames here.

Here‘s a quick rundown of “Lawless Heaven”

And you can find out more about “Lawless Heaven” here.

What Is Lawless Heaven?

Lawless Heaven is a modern action adventure set in Ulsan, South Korea using Sword’s Edge RPG. The tagline is: Four cops. One hundred criminals. Countless broken bones.

I’ve actually made sure there are 100 criminals the PCs can beat up. That was a design goal.

In Lawless Heaven, three cops and an intelligence operative in South Korea’s industrial heartland face off against a local gang involved in a heroin smuggling ring. The cops have only one order: bust the ring, but no one realizes the true depth of this particular cesspool.

It’s a love letter to Korean action movies, and especially Nowhere to Hide. There are a few paragraphs in the text discussing my favourite movies in Korean action cinema, and some of the movies mentioned are The Man From Nowhere, A Bittersweet Life, and the Yellow Sea.

This adventure was designed as a convention game, so it runs in 3 to 4 hours. At present, there is no plan to publish it, but I am moving toward the idea of Kickstarting Sword’s Edge to recover costs, and this would make a good stretch goal.

Right now, the only way to get in on Lawless Heaven is to join me at Breakout Con in Toronto on 10-12 March 2017. I will be running a game on Friday night, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning. I hope to see you there. Following Breakout Con, depending on interest, I might run some online games, especially if I end up Kickstarting Sword’s Edge with Lawless Heaven as a stretch goal.

You can learn more about Breakout Con here.

Lawless Heaven

Sword’s Edge RPG has been updated. It’s ready to go. And the first place you can find it is at Breakout Con in Toronto 10-12 March 2017. I’m going to be running three games of Lawless Heaven using Sword’s Edge: Friday 10 Mar, 20:00-24:00; Saturday 11 Mar, 14:00-18:00; and Sunday Mar 12, 1100-1500,

In Lawless Heaven, three cops and an intelligence operative in South Korea’s industrial heartland face off against a local gang involved in a heroin smuggling ring. The cops have only one order: bust the ring, but no one realizes the true depth of this particular cesspool.

This game is inspired by Korean action cinema, and especially Nowhere to Hide, a 1999 actioner that is really style over substance but has some of the best acting talent working in Korea at the time and some amazing scenes.

Watch Breakout Con for information on how to register for these games. The con’s indie game store will also have Ashcan editions of Sword’s Edge RPG for sale.

I hope you are as excited as I am.

You can find out more about Breakout Con here.

You can find out more about Nowhere to Hide at Wikipedia and IMDB.

Sword’s Edge

Sword’s Edge is a generic role-playing game that is designed so that character’s are based on descriptive terms and the conflict resolution system is fast, consistent, and easy to master.

Sword’s Edge

Sword's Edge Cover

Did you want to play a showdown at high noon? A fight with the cardinal’s guards? Did you want to protect the Systems Alliance from an alien horde, or hunt down the goblins that attacked a village of innocent peasants?

Sword’s Edge is a streamlined role-playing game that allows you to simulate a variety of genres with a focus on characters and stories. Its simple mechanics allow for quick resolution but also quick preparation. This is a game that gives you a robust framework on which to play and then gets out of your way.

Sword’s Edge is available on

Lawless Heaven

Lawless Heaven Cover

Four cops. One hundred criminals. Countless broken bones. In this homage to modern Korean action cinema, three cops and an intelligence operative in South Korea’s industrial heartland face off against a local gang involved in a heroin smuggling ring. The cops have only one order: bust the ring, but no one realizes the true depth of this particular cesspool.

Lawless Heaven is a Sword’s Edge adventure for two to six characters. It includes six pre-generated characters and supplemental rules for chase scenes.

You can find Lawless Heaven at

Face ‘Splosion

Face 'Splosion Cover

A freelance intelligence operative who uses the codename Angel has put a bounty out on herself. If a hunter can get her to a Federated Services terminal, she will be able to transfer a large amount of currency into their account. And the characters are the best hunters in the galaxy.

Face ‘Splosion is a Sword’s Edge adventure of running and gunning, high octane action on a desolate planet far from the “civilized” systems. It includes six pre-generated characters and supplementary rules for vehicles.

You can find Face ‘Splosion at

For A Few Swords More

Cover for A Few Sword's More

For A Few Swords More is a campaign framework that takes some of the standard plots and tropes of Westerns and transplants them into a Sword & Sorcery setting. While the framework takes inspiration from the plots of Western movies, the setting is pre-industrial, inspired by Ango-Saxon England and including elements of magic and the supernatural.

The campaign framework offers a suggested plot, some characters, some locations, and example challenges. It provides the tools a GM needs to run the adventures and includes six pre-generated characters.

You can find For A Few Swords More at

HardCASE: the CASE Files

HardCASE cover

On a mission to hunt down an arms dealer connected to several high profile assassinations, operatives iof the secretive CASE – the Clandestine Activities Special Executive – uncover a link between a Russian cutting edge science program and North Korean arms smugglers. What are they planning and how can CASE stop them?

HardCASE is a near-future action-thriller adventure for Sword’s Edge, and cntainsa new addition to the rules for Challenges in Sword’s Edge and presents six pre-generated operatives from CASE.

You can find HardCASE at

Six Stood Alone

Six Stood Along Cover

One village fears the return of a group of border reivers. They have very little to provide as a reward, but the heroes take them up on their offer. Learning about the enemies they will face, do the heroes risk their lives for a pittance? What drives them? Why would they do so? Set in the border area of Scotland and England in the mid sixteenth century, this adventure is inspired by the Seven Samurai and the Magnificent Seven.

Six Stood Alone includes a new addition to the rules for Scene Elements, and Retainers and Allies. It contains six pre-generated characters.

You can find Six Stood Alone at

Poles of Power

It’s the turn of the 11th century BCE in the Mediterranean. The kingdoms of the Achaean Greeks, the empire of the Hittites, the trade centre of Troy, and the powerful city-states that line the coast have fallen. Egypt faces ruin. The world, as you know it, is ending.

Welcome to the Late Bronze Age Collapse.

Poles of Power is an adventure for is a historical adventure, with a short discussion of the period, and six pre-generated characters.

You can find Poles of Power at


The arms traders of the world are abuzz about a new deal that is coming—someone is selling something, but the details are secret. Analysis suggests it is a weapon of mass destruction, some kind of strategic system for which many groups and even nations are vying. The sellers are mysterious, but the ripples they make in the arms underworld is significant—this is a heavy-weight, suggesting this isn’t just a rumour or a false positive. A real threat is brewing out there, but no one knows what and no one knows where.

With little intelligence a few options, the executive activates the Clandestine Activities Special Executive. CASE is beyond secret, with a budget hidden in a riddle wrapped in an enigma. It needs to find out what is being sold, who is selling it, and then stop them from doing so.

You can find Op REDEMPTION at


A mysterious arms trading organization holds a scientist’s family hostage somewhere in the former Soviet Republic of Albenistan. With little support and less information, shadowy the Clandestine Activities Special Executivesends the operators of its Detachment to affect a rescue. But the opposition is dug in. It has hired mercenaries, subverted local law enforcement, and bought off the national security forces. There are a lot of guns and not a lot of options.

Op RETALIATION is a sequel to Op REDEMPTION and is continued in Op RETRIBUTION. Also included in this 70-page PDF are setting information on the fictional country of Albenistan, the fictional city of Isherbazi, and six pre-generated characters.

You can find Op RETALIATION at


The mysterious criminal network known as Technician 67 may be vulnerable. After crossing paths with a covert detachment from the Clandestine Activities Special Executive, its representatives have surfaced in the Central Asian Republic of Albenistan. With Technician 67 ready to sell weapons of mass destruction and even the scientists who create them to the highest bidder, CASE now seeks to uncover the serpent in the grass, but it may have uncovered a dragon rather than an asp. Inside hostile territory, the CASE detachment faces a ruthless adversary with immense resources.

Op RETRIBUTION is the third adventure in a series that started with Op REDEMPTION and continued with Op RETALIATION. Also included in this 90-page PDF are setting information on the fictional country of Albenistan, the fictional city of Khorforjan, and six pre-generated characters.

You can find Op RETRIBUTION at


Burnscape: Burned Operatives in a Cyberpunk Dystopia. A bank of many monitors with lots of wires and cables creating a cyberpunk office space.

It’s 2068 and if you aren’t on top of the heap, you are buried deep under it. Technology makes the lives of the wealthy unbelievably luxurious, and it’s the poor that pay for it. Corporations have all but supplanted nations. Even the armies are private enterprises.

Not a great time to be a burned operative.

Inspired by Burn Notice, The A-Team, and The Equalizer, BurnScape is a collection of three adventures for Sword’s Edge set in a cyberpunk dystopia, in which the characters have been burned by the security services and now hire themselves out to help those in need that no one else is willing to help.

You can find Burnscape at

Sales 2019 Per Venue

This was originally posted on my Patreon. If you dig my work, please support me there.

Last time I shared the sales for 2019 (with info on second to fourth quarter, since I had already shared the first quarter sales on SEP). Now let’s look at the numbers for each sales venue.

I have not included convention sales, as I did not sell at any conventions in 2019. I am the absolute worse salesperson for my own stuff, and unless one of my friends is hawking my wares (thanks Jason and Josh!) I don’t even bother any more. I might have one or two spare books of the game I am running, but I always get flustered when talking about price and taking a person’s money. I suck at this.

The component that should jump out is how few sales I make on Amazon. Yeah, not surprised. How would one even find my stuff there unless one was specifically looking for it?

IPR will no longer be carrying my stuff, which I completely understand when you look at those numbers. The thing is, even with those low numbers, the monthly revenue was not much lower than that for Drive Thru, through which I sell a lot more. That’s because IPR sells mostly print. And there are costs associated with print—not just shipping costs, but inventory costs when money is tied up in physical copies that are not actually valuable unless someone wants to buy them. Production, shipping and customs swallowed up almost half of my revenue from IPR for 2019, so the actual profit from that revenue stream is actually pretty low.

A new stream that is happening in 2020 is, which is so far doing better than Amazon, but is not on track to replace IPR’s revenue. It too, however, is an e-product venue, meaning the only costs are the actual production of the games.

I shouldn’t even get into revenue vs. profit, because that’s kind of sad. But quickly: conservatively, I spend about 8-10 hours a week working on RPG material. Based on 2019 numbers, removing money spent on the Sagas of the Sea Peoples Kickstarter, I got paid between $1.08 and $1.35 CAN an hour for my work on RPGs.

If you include in the costs associated with preparing the Sagas Kickstarter, I lost over $1 CAN each hour I worked on RPG stuff.


Anyway, the sales numbers for 2019’s sales venues.

Sales Through Amazon (all sales are print products)
Arcane Kingdoms
For Simple Coin, 1

Nefertiti Overdrive, 3

Sword’s Edge Systems
Kiss My Axe, 1
Sword Noir, 1

Indie Press Revolution Sales for 2019
Centurion: Legionaries of Rome (Print), 1
Nefertiti Overdrive (Print), 5
Nefertiti Overdrive (PDF), 1

Sword’s Edge Systems
Kiss My Axe (Print), 1
Kiss My Axe (PDF), 1
Sword Noir (Print), 3
Sword Noir (PDF), 1
Sword’s Edge (Print), 3
Sword’s Edge (PDF), 1

Sales Through Drive Thru RPG for 2019
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113), 4
Khorforjan Gambit, 4
Qalashar Device, 4
Raid On Ashkashem, 5

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 4
For Simple Coin, 4
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 2

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 2
Covert Forces Redux, 3
Blood and Guts 2: In Her Majesty’s Service, 3

Fifth Edition
Abyss of the Black Cloud, 3
Abyss of the Crimson Cave, 5
Cult of the Abyss, 9

Centurion: Legionaries of Rome, 5
Daughter of the Sun: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 4
HeadCrushers, 6
Hispania Ulterior Motive: A Centurion Adventure, 6
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 4
Nefertiti Overdrive, 3
Questions of Loyalty: A Centurion Adventure, 8
Starship Commandos, 5
The Wall, 6

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers: A Sword Noir Adventure, 4
Face ‘Splosion: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 3
For A Few Swords More: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 3
HardCASE: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 6
Kheufer Scrolls: A Sword Noir Adventure, 5
Kiss My Axe, 7
Lawless Heaven: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 3
Six Stood Alone: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 6
Suffer the Witch: A Kiss My Axe Adventure, 3
Sword Noir, 14
Sword’s Edge, 8

Sales for 2019

This post was originally presented on my Patreon.

So, it’s been awhile and I have been very bad about releasing sales data. To be honest, not sure if anyone is actually finding this useful. If you do, please let me know. I’m happy to do this, but I’d rather not be shouting into the wind.

So here we go – nothing too special and not really any messages in the numbers other than “this is what a pretty normal quarter looks like for SEP.” I’ll post later about he different venues and types (PDF vs. print).

The one important thing to note about 2019 is that it was a year without high-profile projects. For SEP, a high-profile project is one for which I run a Kickstarter. Kickstarters not only help fund larger projects for which I need assistance (like editing, art, layout, or sensitivity consultation), but also provide exposure to SEP to people who otherwise might not find it. This usually leads to a spike in sales.

While that spike is welcome, it doesn’t balance out the effort for  and stress of a Kickstarter.

It also important to note that a lot of the effort that usually goes into monthly releases was focused on Sagas of the Sea Peoples and its Quickstart. I’m not including data on free products because they really don’t provide any useful information–at least not for SEP–but the Quickstart saw about 400 downloads.

These numbers, then, are a pretty basic  year. And the numbers over the years have remained pretty consistent per title, which means an increase  in revenue is really only facilitated by releasing more products, which my Patreon helps me do through motivating me to produce something almost every month.

Without further ado, the numbers for 2019

Sales for 2019
(Second to Fourth Quarter in Parantheses)
All sales venues

Albenistan: Election Day, 4 (2)
Khorforjan Gambit, 4 (2)
Qalashar Device, 4 (2)
Raid On Ashkashem, 5 (3)

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 4 (4)
For Simple Coin, 6 (4)
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 2 (2)

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 2 (1)
Covert Forces Redux, 3 (2)
In Her Majesty’s Service, 3 (2)

Fifth Edition
Abyss of the Black Cloud [released Sep 2019], 3 (3)
Abyss of the Crimson Cave [released Aug 2019], 5 (5)
Cult of the Abyss [released Jul 2019], 9 (9)

Centurion: Legionaries of Rome, 8 (5)
Daughter of the Sun: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 4 (4)
HeadCrushers [released Jan 2019], 6 (4)
Hispania Ulterior Motive: A Centurion Adventure, 6 (5)
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 4 (4)
Nefertiti Overdrive, 17 (8)
Questions of Loyalty: A Centurion Adventure [released Oct 2019], 8 (8)
Starship Commandos, 5 (4)
The Wall, 6 (1)

Sword’s Edge Systems
Crossing the Millers: A Sword Noir Adventure, 4 (3)
Face ‘Splosion: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 3 (2)
For A Few Swords More: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 3 (1)
HardCASE: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 6 (4)
Kheufer Scrolls: A Sword Noir Adventure, 5 (4)
Kiss My Axe, 10 (8)
Lawless Heaven: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 3 (2)
Six Stood Alone: A Sword’s Edge Adventure [released Feb 2019], 6 (5)
Suffer the Witch, A Kiss My Axe Adventure, 3 (3)
Sword Noir, 22 (11)
Sword’s Edge, 12 (8)

Sales for First Quarter 2019

Here we are, well into 2019, and I’m just getting the first selection of sales data posted. The first quarter of 2019 was pretty standard. I have been slower to set up for sale items developed for Patreon, but most of them will get to sales venues. Numbers and regular releases are important for sales, and that was one of the reasons I set up my Patreon, to motivate me to get stuff into a sell-able format. So far, that’s worked relatively well.

So here we go – nothing too special and not really any messages in the numbers other than “this is what a pretty normal quarter looks like for SEP.”

Sales for First Quarter 2019 (Jan to Mar)
All sales venues

Albenistan: Election Day, 2
Khorforjan Gambit, 2
Qalashar Device, 2
Raid On Ashkashem, 2

Arcane Kingdoms
For Simple Coin, 2

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 1
Covert Forces Redux, 1
In Her Majesty’s Service, 1

Centurion, 3
HeadCrushers, 2
Hispania Ulterior Motive: A Centurion Adventure, 1
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure,
Nefertiti Overdrive, 9
Starship Commandos, 1
The Wall, 5

Sword’s Edge Systems
Crossing the Millers: A Sword Noir Adventure, 1
Face ‘Splosion: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 1
For A Few Swords More: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 2
HardCASE: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 2
Kheufer Scrolls: A Sword Noir Adventure, 1
Kiss My Axe, 2
Lawless Heaven: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 1
Six Stood Alone: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 1
Sword Noir, 11
Sword’s Edge, 4

Total Sales to Date
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113), 50
Khorforjan Gambit, 132
Qalashar Device, 146
Raid On Ashkashem, 192

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 78
For Simple Coin, 13
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 46

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 121
Covert Forces, 100
Covert Forces Redux, 196
In Her Majesty’s Service, 167

The Boltcutter, 5
Centurion, 238
Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit, 47
Daughter of the Sun: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 4
HeadCrushers, 7
Hispania Ulterior Motive: A Centurion Adventure, 5
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 19
Line Zero, 41
Nefertiti Overdrive, 178
Starship Commandos, 66
The Wall, 29

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers: A Sword Noir Adventure, 178
Face ‘Splosion: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 22
For A Few Swords More: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 20
HardCASE: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 14
Kheufer Scrolls: A Sword Noir Adventure, 224
Kiss My Axe, 275
Lawless Heaven: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 20
Six Stood Alone: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 1
Suffer the Witch, 104
Sword Noir, 778
Sword’s Edge, 55

Sales for Fourth Quarter 2018

And so we wrap up another year. This year was different in that I was using Patreon as a kind of goad to keep me producing. Now, it did not work as planned due to my being involved in a training program at the beginning of the year, then working on finishing my master of arts program during the rest of the year, but it did get me to produce more than I would have alternatively, and some of that made its way out as products for sale.

Below is the numbers for the third quarter – which looking back, I realize I never posted – the numbers for the last quarter, and then the number for 2018 as a whole compared to numbers form 2017, followed by the grand totals. Just a bunch of data that might be of some use to someone, somewhere.


Sales for Third Quarter 2018 (Jul to Sep)
All sales venues

Raid On Ashkashem, 1

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 1

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 2
Covert Forces Redux, 2

Centurion, 3
Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit, 1
Daughter of the Sun: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 3
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 2
Nefertiti Overdrive, 11
Starship Commandos, 2
The Wall, 1

Sword’s Edge Systems
Crossing the Millers, 4
HardCASE: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 2
Kheufer Scrolls, 4
Kiss My Axe, 10
Suffer the Witch, 2
Sword Noir, 8

Sales for Fourth Quarter 2018 (Oct to Dec)
All sales venues

Khorforjan Gambit, 1
Qalashar Device, 1
Raid On Ashkashem, 1

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 1
For Simple Coin, 2
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 1

Centurion, 5
Centurion: Hispania Ulterior Motive, 2
Daughter of the Sun: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 1
HeadCrushers, 5
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 1
Nefertiti Overdrive, 1
Starship Commandos, 2
The Wall, 3

Sword’s Edge Systems
Crossing the Millers, 4
Kheufer Scrolls, 4
Kiss My Axe, 1
Suffer the Witch, 1
Sword’s Edge, 4
Sword Noir, 8

Sales for 2018 (with 2017 in parantheses)
All sales venues. If there are no numbers for 2017, the product did not exist or made no sales.

Albenistan: Election Day, 1 (5)
Khorforjan Gambit, 3 (5)
Qalashar Device, 4 (5)
Raid On Ashkashem, 5 (6)

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 3 (7)
For Simple Coin, 3 (2)
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 3 (3)

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 5 (4)
Covert Forces Redux, 6 (5)
In Her Majesty’s Service, 1 (6)

Centurion, 18 (20)
Centurion: Hispania Ulterior Motive, 4
Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit, 1 (3)
Daughter of the Sun: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 4
HeadCrushers, 5
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 19
Line Zero, 2 (1)
Nefertiti Overdrive, 25 (31)
Starship Commandos, 21 (20)
The Wall, 24

Sword’s Edge Systems
Crossing the Millers, 11 (10)
Face ‘Splosion, 17 (4)
For A Few Swords More, 18
HardCASE: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 12
Kheufer Scrolls, 10 (10)
Kiss My Axe, 16 (28)
Lawless Heaven, 13 (6)
Suffer the Witch, 3 (4)
Sword’s Edge, 33 (18)
Sword Noir, 28 (52)

Total Sales to Date
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113), 48
Khorforjan Gambit, 130
Qalashar Device, 144
Raid On Ashkashem, 190

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 78
For Simple Coin, 11
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 46

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 120
Covert Forces, 100
Covert Forces Redux, 195
In Her Majesty’s Service, 166

The Boltcutter, 5
Centurion, 235
Centurion: Hispania Ulterior Motive, 4
Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit, 47
Daughter of the Sun: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 4
HeadCrushers, 5
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 19
Line Zero, 41
Nefertiti Overdrive, 169
Starship Commandos, 65
The Wall, 24

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 177
Face ‘Splosion: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 21
For A Few Swords More: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 18
HardCASE: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 12
Kheufer Scrolls, 223
Kiss My Axe, 273
Lawless Heaven: A Sword’s Edge Adventure, 19
Suffer the Witch, 104
Sword’s Edge, 51
Sword Noir, 767

Sales for Second Quarter 2018

This is a bit late, but then again I’ve got my hands full with family, school, and work – and that list is in order of priority. I’ve been pretty honest about running silent and how that’s likely to last for a while longer, and I’m not really happy about that, but I will be happy when my schooling is done and I get that piece of paper.

My neglect of both SEP and my Patreon has not helped sales numbers. Pretty sluggish, but then again, I’ve never been able to figure out what drives sales. I know regular releases help, but the slump started while I was still releasing every month, so not sure exactly what’s goin’ on.

I’ll likely never figure it out.

But, in any case, here are the numbers:

Sales for Second Quarter 2018 (Apr – Jun)
All sales venues

Albenistan: Election Day,
Khorforjan Gambit, 1
Qalashar Device, 1
Raid On Ashkashem, 1

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 1
For Simple Coin, 1

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 2
Covert Forces Redux, 2
In Her Majesty’s Service, 1

Centurion, 4
Centurion: Hispania Ulterior Motive, 2
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 2
Line Zero, 1
Nefertiti Overdrive, 2
Starship Commandos, 4
The Wall, 2

Sword’s Edge Systems
Crossing the Millers, 1
Face ‘Splosion, 1
For A Few Swords More, 1
HardCASE, 6
Kheufer Scrolls, 1
Kiss My Axe, 2
Sword’s Edge, 6
Sword Noir, 6

Total Sales to Date
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113), 43
Khorforjan Gambit, 124
Qalashar Device, 138
Raid On Ashkashem, 182

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 69
For Simple Coin, 66
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 42

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 114
Covert Forces, 100
Covert Forces Redux, 188
In Her Majesty’s Service, 160

The Boltcutter, 4
Centurion, 207
Centurion: Hispania Ulterior Motive, 2
Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit, 43
Judged: A Nefertiti Overdrive Adventure, 16
Line Zero, 42
Nefertiti Overdrive, 126
Starship Commandos, 31
The Wall, 20

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 159
Face ‘Splosion, 17
For a Few Swords More, 18
HardCASE, 10
Kheufer Scrolls, 205
Kiss My Axe, 234
Lawless Heaven, 13
Suffer the Witch, 97
Sword’s Edge, 43
Sword Noir, 689