Merry Christmas!

I haven’t been working myself to death this holiday season, just almost. Along with my job, I’m taking two Masters courses and the along with 4-8 page reports every week, sometimes – when I’m very lucky – with one week off, I also have to write two short essays of 500 words – properly sourced – for the forums, and then need to discuss with properly sourced 250 word responses. That’s at least 2,000 words of academic work per week, usually closer to 9,000.

For the most part, it’s okay, but around Christmas, it’s a bit much. I fell a bit behind, but am catching up, which means I’ve been playing some modded Fallout 3 and – my Christmas present to myself – a few hours of modded New Vegas today.

And I hope you’re treating yourself to whatever you consider a treat. Whether you are a religious or secular celebrant of the season, I hope you’re able to decompress a bit, enjoy whatever you enjoy, and share some happiness with your fellows.


All the best!

We Done Good

dairycow.jpgA while back, Sword’s Edge Publishing pledged to help out Chris Engler, the Wapcaptain, in his quest to do some good. I’m happy to say that good has been done, and more then expected. Chris set out to finance two cows for impoverished families through Worldvision Canada. Turns out, there’s not only going to be a couple of cows, but a donkey being delivered to needy families. That’s a great start to the new year.

And it’s not over yet. This is going on until January 10, so get your butt on over there if you haven’t contributed, and maybe we can do even more good.

Thanks to everyone who helped Sword’s Edge Publishing do some good by making a purchase in November or December. I hope you enjoy your product, and bask in the knowledge that you’ve contributed to a good cause (this time being the impoverished rather than me).

What’s Better Than a Cow?

Think Two CowsTwo Cows!

Chris Engler, the Wapcaptain and fellow Canuck, is acting in a very anti-Scrooge manner and we at Sword’s Edge Publishing want to get all Tiny Tim with his festive idea. Here it is–buy some cows. I’ll let him explain it (from the website):

“Recent news has been focused on economic downturns the world over. Although our personal fortunes may have been diminished somewhat, it’s time now to think of people that live in true poverty year-round, cradle to grave. Last year I was humbled by the generosity of my friends and family who, when I asked to help raise enough money to buy one dairy cow, responded by donating enough money to buy two with funds to spare. This year I’d like to raise the bar and start with a goal of two cows.”

Sword’s Edge Publishing will be donating our profits from November and December to this venture. As things have wound down at SEP for the last couple of years, our sales aren’t such that we’ll make much of a dent, but I also want to get the word out there and let’s try to get into the spirit of the season, which is, after all, giving.

If you have all our awesome products or just don’t want to see even a penny not go to this worthy cause, head on over to the website and donate!