Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit

The Cyber-state–you can call it the Web, the Net, Cyberspace, or the Electric Boogaloo, it’s the network space that connects computers and information in the near future. The Avatar–that’s the representation of your character as that character surfs the spaceways of the Cyber-State. The Toolkit–this gives you options on how to represent that Avatar in the Cyber-state. The abilities, class, and skills of the Avatar can be built using one or more of the options from the Toolkit.

Because when your character is crackin’ into the big evil corps’ network, she wants to look cool doing it.

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit is now available at Your Games Now and at the RPG Objects’ store.

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit Delayed

The Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit will be delayed in order to insure that there is art included with the product. Unfortunately, IMK, who has done the art for such releases as Blood & Guts 2: In Her Majesty’s Service and Covert Forces Redux proved unavailable. Other issues have led to a delay in the delivery of artwork and so Sword’s Edge Publishing is looking at alternatives.

The Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit will be out soon, definitely by the end of July. SEP apologizes for the delay.

May Update

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit: Now in editing. Expect to see this available in June. It still requires layout, but it should come out to about 7 or 8 pages in length. This will be released as part of the Modern Dispatch series.

Military Recon: 75% complete. This product has been revised to meet the Roles & Classes standard and format. It still requires some minor work and will be our release after the Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit. Expect this one in July.

Shadow Op: 50% complete. Like Military Recon, this product requires revision. The basic text is complete but needs alterations and additions to fit into the Roles & Classes line.

Covert Forces Redux in Print

 Covert Forces Redux is now available as a perfectbound book with black and white interiors. You can find it and other SEP print products at our Lulu store.

 Covert Forces Redux cover

Based on the acclaimed Covert Forces, Covert Forces Redux is a d20 Modern supplement, updated and expanded to almost double its original size. Here you’ll find all the information you need to play operators in some of the world’s most famous special operations forces. With extensive descriptions of Australia’s SASR, Canada’s JTF-2, the US’ Delta Force and SEALs, and the United Kingdom’s SAS and SBS, it also includes concise descriptions of 44 other special operations forces from Algeria’s Saaykaa to the Ukraine’s Spetznaz Brigade. This PDF also includes feats, combat options, rules for “fluid situations”–from ambushes to snipers–new pieces of equipment, new weapons, and new vehicles.

Covert Forces Redux is indespensible for players and game masters interested in exploring the world of spec ops.

Mundus Novit: The Changed World

This is not our world. This place is different. It is not just a place of adventure or intrigue, it is literally a place of magic. It has always been with us, unnoticed or ignored. It is ignored no longer. It has not arrived alone. Along with those who warp reality with ritual and mantras, there are those who do so with their minds. There are those who have abilities beyond those of normal men.

How did this happen? When did our world become so different? So strange?

The flavour text for Mundus Novit has been completed. At this point, there remains some crunch to update, but things are going well. I expect that this will be released in partnership with Dark Quest Games, though the final details still need to ironed out.

For those of you who haven’t heard of Mundus Novit before, it is a campaign setting for d20 Modern. It posits the release of genetic virus from a secret super soldier project that changes those whom it infect. Grand Orders of magic have existed for millenia. Parapsychic phenomena have been cataloged since the 1960s. In 2003, a brief glimpse of the paranormal is caught by a television news crew.

And the world changes . . .