Reaching the Game Summit

One of the takeaways from Gen Con 2011 was that I was not good at pimping my product in person. I had copies of a Kiss My Axe ashcan edition and I wasn’t able to sell any, simply because I don’t like to “impose” or “intrude,” and I am uncomfortable asking for money for my stuff in person.

This last weekend I was at Ottawa’s Game Summit 2013, sharing a table with the Ottawa Tabletop Game Designers (there is no secret handshake or decoder ring, I assure you). Corey Reid was present, pimping Dino Pirates of Ninja Island print edition. The Warden had both hard- and softcover copies of Killshot. Jason Pitre had a bunch of Bully Pulpit Games product, headlining the latest Jason Morningstar release, Durance. I had copies of Sword Noir and Kiss My Axe.

Corey stole the show with his salesmanship and showmanship. I sold a couple of books to a single customer whom Corey had attracted. I am not cut out for selling at cons. I’m not much of a salesman (ironic, given a long time working retail while in school).

Lessons were learned, but rather than simply reiterate what other wiser minds have written, go read Corey and The Warden’s take on the weekend.

You can read Corey’s thoughts here.

You can read the Warden’s thoughts here.

You can find Dino-Pirates of Ninja Island here.

You can find Killshot here.

Jason Pitre sometimes hangs out here.

You can find Bully Pulpit Games here.

Monthly Sales for December 2012

Welcome to 2013. Watch your step.

A summary of 2012? I reached the culmination of one spurt of design energy with the release of “Suffer the Witch” for Kiss My Axe, and then lay fallow (save for finishing some short stories) until I got the bug again and made an initial stab at Centurion: Legionary of Rome, which led to Head Crushers, which led to a quiet period when I hit an impasse in the design, and then the recent decision to move forward with a new design of Centurion through crowd-funding.

2013 will hopefully bring a completed Centurion by Gen Con (did I mention I’m definitely attending this year? Yay me!). Over the Christmas holiday, I also started seriously thinking about reviving Head Crushers and releasing it as a short, maybe 30-page product, for about $1.99. The question becomes can I clean it up to an acceptable level without interfering in my Centurion work. On this, I will promise nothing, just tease.

And the big news for the New Year? Sword Noir: a Role-Playing Game of Hardboiled Sword & Sorcery has finally reached profitability. The total budget for Sword Noir was $ 1338.59, and as of 31 Dec 2012, the revenue from it has reached $ 1,339.37. Okay, not even a dollar of actual profit yet, but at least it is in the black. Sword Noir was released 3 Apr 2011, so it’d just under two years to pay it off. That’s earlier than expected, but not by much.

I don’t expect Kiss My Axe to move into the black for another two years at least. No one hold their breath, please.

Total Sales for December 2012
Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 1

Covert Forces
In Her Majesty’s Service, 1

Line Zero, 1
Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 1

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 3
Kheufer Scrolls, 5
Kiss My Axe, 2
Suffer the Witch, 4
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules, 14
Sword Noir, 5

Total Sales to Date
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113): 32
Khorforjan Gambit: 105
Qalashar Device: 118
Raid On Ashkashem: 159

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms: 41
Gifts of the Elder Gods: 36
For Simple Coin: 57

Charity Products
Relief Effort: 55

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section: 101
Covert Forces: 100
Covert Forces Redux: 164
In Her Majesty’s Service: 139

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit: 36
Line Zero: 36
Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 325

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 102
Kiss My Axe, 138
Suffer the Witch, 78
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules 1179
Sword Noir 356
The Kheufer Scrolls, 149

Monthly Sales for August and September 2012

Well, yes, August was kind of a crazy month here at the old Ronald household. There was the kitchen installation, the hardwood floors, the porcelain tile, and no monthly sales update for SEP. Now that my home reno work has slowed to a crawl (though not completely vanished) I’ve finally found time to do my monthly reporting.

Not that it is all that exciting. The numbers for the two months are not particularly stellar. What is pretty cool is that we are less than $40 away from profitability for Sword Noir. So, if all goes well, it will have taken me about 18 months to pay off the investment in Sword Noir. I expected to reach profitability in two years’ time. I figured that was being optimistic. This is pretty awesome.

I have also made 40% of my investment in Kiss My Axe back as of 30 Sep. Not bad. Now, for KMA, which I don’t think as the uniqueness of Sword Noir, I expect two to three years for profitability – nothing to cheer about but acceptable. If I get it done earlier, yea me! But I won’t hold my breath.

Also, since we’re talking biz, I’ve made the decision to move forward with Centurion: Legionaries of Rome, an RPG of military action. It’s likely going to be my most abstract game yet, with some tenuous links to the design of Sword Noir and Kiss My Axe (it has Qualities) but it is very different mechanically. I will be crowd-funding it, but it needs a lot more playtesting before I am ready to do that. If you are seriously interested in helping me playtest this version, please drop me a line (look to your right for Contact Us, or bug me at Twitter or Google Plus).

In the interim, I am still wondering if I should bother trying to crowdfund “Boltcutter” (action-thriller short story set in modern Africa) or another short story collection. I will likely do one, but if Centurion takes up a lot of time, “Boltcutter” will be falling by the wayside, at least for now.

Also, do you like the mock-up cover for Centurion that I expect to pretty much be the cover for Centurion. Done by none other than rockin’ Rob Wakefield (you may have heard the name). Suh. Weet.

An earlier post on Sword Noir with my two year prediction is found here.

You can find me on Twitter here.

You can find me on Google Plus here.

You can find Rob Wakefield on Google Plus here.

Total Sales for August 2012
Khorforjan Gambit, 1
Qalashar Device, 1
Raid On Ashkashem, 1

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 1
For Simple Coin, 1
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 1

Covert Forces
Blood and Guts 2: In Her Majesty’s Service, 1
Covert Forces Redux, 1

Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 4

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 1
Kiss My Axe, 1
Kheufer Scrolls, 1
Suffer the Witch, 1
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules, 26
Sword Noir, 3

Total Sales for September 2012
Arcane Kingdoms
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 1

Covert Forces
Blood and Guts 2: In Her Majesty’s Service, 1
Covert Forces Redux, 2

Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 9

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 4
Kiss My Axe, 4
Kheufer Scrolls, 4
Suffer the Witch, 2
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules, 25
Sword Noir, 5

Total Sales to Date
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113): 32
Khorforjan Gambit: 104
Qalashar Device: 117
Raid On Ashkashem: 158

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms: 39
Gifts of the Elder Gods: 36
For Simple Coin: 57

Charity Products
Relief Effort: 55

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section: 100
Covert Forces: 100
Covert Forces Redux: 159
In Her Majesty’s Service: 135

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit: 36
Line Zero: 34
Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 312

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 96
Kiss My Axe, 135
Suffer the Witch, 73
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules 1127
Sword Noir 345
The Kheufer Scrolls, 140

Monthly Sales for May 2012

And, yes, since you asked, this website is turning into the monthly sales update site.

A few interesting (for me) notes:

As of 31 May 2012, Sword Noir had sold 330 copies, 62 of those in print. The title has cleared $1244.64, meaning there’s less than $100 to go before it’s in the black. That will be an exciting day.

At the same point, Kiss My Axe had sold 122 copies, 24 of those in print. It has cleared $394.46, meaning it’s got about $700 to go.

Kiss My Axe is going to take a lot longer to reach profitability than Sword Noir since SEP was releasing semi-regularly for about 9 months after Sword Noir came out and the majority of its sales happened in that period. To put that in perspective, Kiss My Axe has been out for around 5 months, and in its first 5 months, Sword Noir cleared $741.24, not quite but almost double Kiss My Axe for the same period. This may be due to Sword Noir‘s novelty (not too many hardboiled sword & sorcery games out there), but I think a great part of it is also the regular releases.

Let this be a lesson to you: if you want your back log to move, keep releasing new products, at least once a month.

Now, let’s look at those May numbers.

Total Sales for May 2012
Arcane Kingdoms
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 1

Covert Forces
Blood and Guts 2: In Her Majesty’s Service, 1
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 3

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 5
Kiss My Axe, 6
Kheufer Scrolls, 4
Suffer the Witch, 2
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules, 50
Sword Noir, 6

Modern Dispatch 104: Line Zero, 1
Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 4

Total Sales to Date
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113): 31
Khorforjan Gambit: 102
Qalashar Device: 115
Raid On Ashkashem: 156

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms: 37
Gifts of the Elder Gods: 34
For Simple Coin: 56

Charity Products
Relief Effort: 55

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section: 97
Covert Forces: 100
Covert Forces Redux: 152
In Her Majesty’s Service: 133

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit: 35
Line Zero: 34
Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 294

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 88
Kiss My Axe, 122
Suffer the Witch, 64
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules 1043
Sword Noir 330
The Kheufer Scrolls, 132

Monthly Sales for January 2012

January was a pretty good month. It was pretty much the biggest month for SEP ever. I also was on an average of one podcast per week talking up Kiss My Axe and then – after it had been released – Suffer the Witch. This marketing, which cost me much less than other marketing I’ve done, seems to have had a fairly impressive impact. I can trace at least three sales of bundles to podcast interviews, meaning there’s likely at least another 3 – all told about 18 sales based on podcasts. That may not seem like much, but along with a new release which probably put more than a few eyeballs on our catalogue, which led to even more sales.

The numbers speak for themselves.

You can find Kiss My Axe here.

You can find Suffer the Witch here.

You can find our catalogue here.

More info on the podcasts on which I appeared soon.

Sales for January 2012
Raid On Ashkashem, 2
Khorforjan Gambit, 2
Qalashar Device, 2

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms, 5
Gifts of the Elder Gods, 3
For Simple Coin, 3

Covert Forces
Blood and Guts 2: In Her Majesty’s Service, 2
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section, 1
Covert Forces Redux, 1

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 16
Kiss My Axe, 55
Suffer the Witch, 38
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules, 62
Sword Noir, 27
The Kheufer Scrolls, 18

Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 10
Relief Effort (Charity Product), 1

Total Sales to Date
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113): 30
Khorforjan Gambit: 100
Qalashar Device: 113
Raid On Ashkashem: 154

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms: 35
Gifts of the Elder Gods: 31
For Simple Coin: 54

Charity Products
Relief Effort: 55

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section: 91
Covert Forces: 100
Covert Forces Redux: 148
In Her Majesty’s Service: 129

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit: 35
Line Zero: 32
Operation Nearscape, Free Product, 274

Sword’s Edge System
Crossing the Millers, 66
Kiss My Axe, 89
Suffer the Witch, 38
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules 850
Sword Noir 290
The Kheufer Scrolls, 111

Number for Modern Medieval, Roles & Classes, and Treasure Chest: Unlocked not included as these lines have been discontinued and their numbers will not change. Those numbers were included in December sales, if you are interested.

Suffer the Witch

A group of Vikings cast ashore find a village stripped of its warriors. The chieftain speaks of a witch, once a wise woman of the village, now bitter and flushed with hatred. The village suffers under her curse, and he has lost many men in attempting to free it. He cannot risk any more.

And these adventurers, lately come from the sea, lost and in need of aid? Can they save the village of Kalved?

Suffer the Witch, an adventure for the Viking RPG Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death, was created for Gen Con 2011. It is a challenge for 4 – 6 starting characters. Pre-generated characters are included, but the adventure can be run with any newly generated Kiss My Axe character. While the adventure does not require the use of Kiss My Axe, the narrative characters and some situations are based on that system and would require modification to use with another system.

You can find Suffer the Witch here.

Time for some Axe Kissing

Are you ready for some Viking mayhem and adventure? Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death is now available in PDF and Print. January of 2012 will see the release of Suffer the Witch, an adventure for Kiss My Axe.

Kiss My Axe uses the same underlying system as Sword Noir – the Sword’s Edge System – but it has been altered to provide a greater focus on combat, kind of important for Vikings.

Suffer the Witch is the one-shot used at Gen Con 2011, though updated to reflect both the experiences at Gen Con and further consideration of the scenario. If you played Suffer the Witch at Gen Con, you’ll find the establishing portion of the adventure slightly different, but the actual conflict and the characters themselves are pretty much as presented at Games on Demand in Indy.

For those of you interested, the budget for Kiss My Axe is just over $ 1,000. On the assumption that 75% of sales are PDF only and 25% are Print, I’ll need to sell 320 copies to break even (270 PDFs and 50 Print). Right now, with Sword Noir, we’ve sold 219 PDFs and 47 Print copies. Sword Noir has been out since April 2011, so that’s basically 8 months of sales. Sword Noir had a bigger budget than Kiss My Axe, but I expect to see fewer sales of Kiss My Axe. Given all that, there is some hope that Kiss My Axe will turn a profit within a year. That would be awesome.

You can find Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death here.

You can find Sword Noir, the Sword’s Edge System, and other awesome Sword’s Edge Publishing products here.

Building Character(s) with Kiss My Axe

I’m only waiting on the print file for Kiss My Axe to be updated on RPG Now/Drive-Thru RPG and then it will be available for sale. Until it is, here is a sneak peek at building a character in KMA. The following is from the book itself, with the character building example interspersed with the description of the rules for building a character. This should give you an idea of characters in KMA.

Heroic Character Creation

Not all characters in the game are heroes, but all PCs are. These steps are for creating Player Characters or other heroic characters. Later, in Heroes, Regulars and Minions, there is a similar list of steps for regular and minion characters.

A Character is made up of Aspects, Prowess, Traits and Other Qualities. Each of these is divided further into ten Qualities that help to define a hero. Aspects include Concept, Faculty and Seafaring. A characters Prowess is measured in Fighting, Style and Protection. Traits are defined as Physique, Charisma and Cunning. Lastly characters may have Other Qualities that help to make them distinctive.

At character creation each of these Qualities has a default starting Rank. To help customize your character, you receive a total of six Ranks to spend on increasing your character’s Qualities.

What follows is a summary of the steps you could take when building a heroic character. Each point is discussed in more depth later in the text.

1. Create a Concept. This Quality relates to what the player intends the character to represent. The Concept has a default Rank of Good. This Rank can be advanced using the six Ranks available at character creation, but this is not mandatory. See Aspects.

2. Create a Faculty. This Quality represents a character’s secondary aptitude, is not necessarily linked to the character’s Concept, and is usually a skill or talent. The Faculty has a default Rank of Good. This rank can be advanced by spending Ranks at character creation. See Aspects.

3. Give Seafaring a Rank. Seafaring is a common Aspect for all Vikings. If you are creating a character who is not a Viking, replace Seafaring with a skill or talent linked to the character’s culture. Seafaring (or cultural skill) has a default Rank of Good. This rank can be advanced at character creation. See Aspects.

4. Rank Prowess. Prowess is divided into Fighting, Style and Protection. Fighting begins at Good. Style and Protection begin at Average. Each of these can be advanced at character creation. See Prowess.

5. Rank Traits. The Traits Physique, Charisma, and Cunning all begin at Average. These ranks can be advanced at character creation. See Traits.

6. Create Other Qualities. If the player has not spent all six Ranks provided at character creation, the player can use the remaining ranks to create and advance Qualities. A Quality is a short descriptor of some attribute of the character. A new Quality begins with the rank of Good, but may be advanced by spending more ranks. It is linked to a Trait. See Qualities. Remember, the player has six Ranks total to use at character creation to advance Aspects, Traits, Prowess and other Qualities.

7. Create Pivots. This is a goal or other character quirk that helps to define the character. Completing a Pivot provides Fortune Points for a character. The character may have up to three Pivots. Ranks are not used to create Pivots. See Pivots.

For our heroic character—basically, a Player Character—let’s have Helfdan Tokesson. I envision Helfdan as a poet-warrior who has many a dalliance as he trades and raids across Europe. For his concept, I’m going with Skald. This starts at Good. I’m going to spend one of the six free Ranks available at character creation to increase the concept to Great. I now have five free Ranks I can spend.

Helfdan happens to be very perceptive. He can read people very, very well. I’m giving him a faculty of Insight. This is at Good. I’m going to use one of the five free Ranks remaining to increase his faculty to Great.

Helfdan is damn sure a Viking, so he gets Seafaring at Good.

Helfdan gets Fighting at Good. I have four Ranks left, but I have plans for those Ranks, so I’m not going to spend any and I’ll leave Fighting at Good.

For Style, I’m going to spend one of the four remaining free Ranks to give Helfdan a Style. I imagine him as a pretty flamboyant fighter, using everything around him in the fight, and being very kinetic. As such, I’m calling the Style “Swashbuckling.” The term did not exist in the Viking Age, but for everyone playing the game, it should engender images of Captain Blood, the Three Musketeers, and Scaramouche. This leaves me with three free Ranks.

While Helfdan could get Protection, it doesn’t really fit with my character conception, so I’m not going to spend any of his three remaining Ranks here.

I’m going to spend two of the remaining three free Ranks for Helfdan and increase his Wit to Good and his Charisma to Good.

I have one free Rank left for Helfdan, and I’m going use it to create a Quality. I’m calling this one “Charming Rogue,” and linking it to Charisma. I only have one Rank, so I’m leaving it at Good. I am also going to assign Helfdan a Weakness (see Weakness below) which gives me another Rank to work with. I’m going to create a Quality called “I Know a Little . . .” at Good, and it refers to the common ‘I know a little French/German/Dutch/etc.’ so that Helfdan can usually understand parts of the conversations going on in foreign languages. Given that it is about languages, I’m linking it to Wit.

Helfdan has no Ranks with which to purchase an Item. Plus, it does not readily fit with the character concept.

And you know that I have to give Helfdan the Weakness “Loves the Ladies” at Basic, because it fits so well into my image of him. Taking this Weakness provides another Rank that can be spent at character creation. If you recall, I spent that rank creating the Quality “I Know a Little . . .” at Good.

While Helfdan may gain Fame later through the game, he has none now.

Helfdan’s Pivots will be “Talk My Way Into It,” “Buckling the Swash,” and “Saga of Greatness.”

For “Talk My Way Into It,” the Pivot will be “Words can be as effective as weapons. Luck is gained when the character gains an advantage or victory against a clearly superior opponent through words.” “Buckling the Swash” will be “What’s the point of a fight if you can’t have a little fun? Luck is gained when the character fights in an unorthodox, cinematic and amusing fashion against an opponent that clearly outclasses the character.” Finally, “Saga of Greatness” will be “When I declaim the glory of another, I bring glory to myself. Luck is gained when the character gains an ally or subverts an enemy through the use of saga or verse regarding the heroism of some third party.” That last one is going to be tough.

Helfdan Tokesson
Concept: Skald, Great               Fighting: Good
Faculty: Insight, Great              Style: Swashbuckling, Good
Seafaring: Good                         Protection:
Phy:     Wit: Good     Cha: Good
Charming Rogue (Cha, Good); I Know A Little . . . (Wit, Good); Loves the Ladies (Basic)

Pivot: Talk My Way Into It: Words can be as eff ective as weapons. Luck is gained when the character gains an advantage or victory against a clearly superior opponent through words.

Buckling the Swash: What’s the point of a fight if you can’t have a little fun? Luck is gained when the character fights in an unorthodox, cinematic and amusing fashion against an opponent that clearly outclasses the character.

Saga of Greatness: When I declaim the glory of another, I bring glory to myself. Luck is gained when the character gains an ally or subverts an enemy through the use of saga or verse regarding the heroism of some third party.

Kiss My Axe Pre-Gens

Those of you at Gen Con had a chance to check these characters out and maybe even score “the Quick and Dirty Gen Con Edition” of Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death. Those of you not at Gen Con, can check out these character as a kind of window into Kiss My Axe. Sections of the game are being retooled, but also work on preparing “Crossing the Millers,” the Gen Con one-shot for Sword Noir: A Role-playing Game of Hardboiled Sword & Sorcery, is on-going, and once that is out, I can turn full time to Kiss My Axe.

So, for your edification and education, here are the pre-gens from “Suffer the Witch.” The characters have been altered due to intended changes in how Pivots work.

The Captain
Concept: Warband Captain, Good                Fighting: Good
Faculty: Fierce Diplomacy, (Wit, Good)       Style: Sword & Shield, Good
Seafaring: Good                                            Protection: Fine Hauberk, Good
Phy: Good; Wit: Good; Cha: Good
See to the Heart of It (Wit, Good)
Pivot: Glory lies with Loyalty: A man true to followers and leader is a man who will be respected and trusted. Luck is gained when the character remains faithful or maintains a trust or promise even in the face of immense reward to do otherwise, or after a particularly disastrous defeat.

The Navigator
Concept: Pilot of the Waves, Good               Fighting: Good
Faculty: Navigation, (Wit, Good)                  Style: Play it Smart, Good
Seafaring: Great                                             Protection: Shield & Armour, Good
Phy: Average; Wit: Great; Cha: Basic
Tales on the Wind (Wit, Good); See the Weakness (Wit, Good)
Pivot: Skill bests Brawn: When raw strength meets raw skill, it is skill that prevails. Luck is gained when a character uses cunning or strategy to achieve success against a superior, noteworthy, or particularly nasty opponent.

The Bard
Concept: Skald, Good                                   Fighting: Good
Faculty: Honeyed Words, (Cha, Good)         Style: Grace of Steel, Good
Seafaring: Good                                            Protection: Like a Ghost, Good
Phy: Average; Wit: Good; Cha: Great
Play Upon Your Heart (Cha, Good); See the Weakness (Wit, Good)
Pivot: I will Do what I Must: Sometimes, one must act in a manner that opposes all that is said to be right in order to achieve victory. Luck is gained when a character acts in a fashion against and element of the Viking Ethos in order to achieve a victory that is significant for others, and is generally in keeping with the general spirit of the Viking Ethos (for example—murdering a war-leader or champion in order to gain a victory in an upcoming battle).

The Berserker
Concept: Warrior, Good                                Fighting: Great
Faculty: Intimidation, (Phy, Good)               Style: Raw Fury, Good
Seafaring: Good                                            Protection: Invincibility, Great
Phy: Great; Wit: Average; Cha: Average
Pivot: Glory through Battle: The place where one gains reputation and honour is in combat. Luck is gained when the character engages in combat even though there are other, easier options available. The combat itself should be at a significant or particularly dramatic, and the combat should be against overwhelming odds or a clearly superior opponent.

The Archer
Concept: Hunter, Good                                 Fighting: Great
Faculty: Tracking, (Wit, Good)                      Style: the Bow, Good
Seafaring: Good                                            Protection: Avoidance, Good
Phy: Good; Wit: Average; Cha: Average
In the Wild (Wit, Good); Through the Heart (Phy, Good)
Pivot: Protection in the Shadows: While all others strive for their names to be known, there is comfort in disappearing into the darkness, to being neither known nor admired. Luck is gained when a character avoids gaining glory or reputation for a noteworthy act or victory that is in keeping with the Viking ethos.

The Warlock
Concept: Weather Witch, Good                    Fighting: Good
Faculty: the Unseen (Cha, Good)                  Style:
Seafaring: Good                                            Protection:
Phy: Average; Wit: Good; Cha: Good
Worker of Wonders, galthr (Great), ehwaz [sending], mannaz [area of effect], othala [air]; the Lame (Basic)
Pivot: I Stand Outside: This character is not part of the society as a whole. The character may be a sorcerer, woman, or foreigner who sails with the Vikings. Luck is gained when the character acts in a manner contrary to societal norms. The action should not simply be contrary, but should challenge Viking society while meeting some element of the character’s concept and the Viking Ethos. The outcome of the action should be successful and noteworthy.

Pivots and Kiss My Axe

I’ve made the decision to do a bit more work on Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death, and in doing so, I have opened up a can of . . . I can’t tell if it’s worms or ass-whoppin’ yet.

It’s about Pivots. Now, those of you who have perused Sword Noir: A Role-playing Game of Hardboiled Sword & Sorcery or the free Sword’s Edge System will know Pivots as a character’s goal, code, or other defining feature that when hit provides an Advancement, with which the player can improve the character. I’m finding Pivots to be my least favourite part of my own game design.

Pivots are intended to be hit every other session or so, which creates a couple of problems. If a character has only one pivot (characters are allowed up to three), it becomes repetitive pretty quick. Most players in the playtests and in games I know of only create one pivot. I think this is because the Pivot is the hardest part of the system, as it is supposed to be both important to the character but also difficult to achieve. In the games I’ve run, Pivots seem to be the most counter-intuitive and difficult part of character creation and game play.

So do I want to keep them in Kiss My Axe? I’m leaning toward yes, but in an altered form. What I’m thinking of doing is changing Pivots so that they are not so hard to hit and provide a Fortune Point rather than an Advancement. Advancements would then be provided through Critical Failures and GM fiat—as in at a rate decided by the GM, hopefully in consultation with the players.

What do you think? I don’t want to get rid of Pivots totally, as I think they are excellent signposts to GMs as to what kind of challenges the players would like to face. Also, I tend to honestly forget to give out Fortune Points throughout the game as I am usually too excited about the game itself (I really need to work on that).

Any thoughts?

You can find Sword Noir: A Role-playing Game of Hardboiled Sword & Sorcery here.

You can find the free Sword’s Edge System here.

If you would like to discuss this post, I’m starting a thread here.

You can buy more of my stuff here.