Monthly Sales for April

Wow, what a month. We added Sword Noir on 3 April and we’ve sold 106 copies by 30 April. Considering that makes it our third highest selling product (not counting free stuff), that’s a heck of a paradigm shift in sales. It buoyed up sales of For Simple Coin—which has short stories in the Sword Noir genre—and possibly Arcane Kingdoms, though excellent reviews of both might have helped. Still, for those reviews to have an effect, there had to be visibility. That’s through Sword Noir.

This upcoming month there will be a Sword Noir adventure coming out, tentatively titled Sword Dogs—though that will almost certainly change once I come up with a good title. The next release likely won’t be until July—when Kiss My Axe will appear.

Here’s a question for anyone: would you consider helping to finance—though something like IndieGoGo—a further genre-specific version of the Sword’s Edge System, this time for Roman Legions. The book would likely be 3/4s a discussion of running legionary campaigns in the Republic, the Principate, and the Dominate, and 1/4 rules adaptation. Let me know and I might set out a budget and see if we can get any joy.

Sales for April
Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms       8
For Simple Coin       12

Spec Ops
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section       1
Covert Forces Redux       1

Sword’s Edge System
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules 325
Sword Noir 106

Total Sales
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113): 28
Khorforjan Gambit: 86
Qalashar Device: 100
Raid On Ashkashem: 139

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section: 81
Covert Forces: 100
Covert Forces Redux: 128
In Her Majesty’s Service: 113

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms: 17
For Simple Coin: 22

Sword’s Edge System
Sword’s Edge System, Free Rules 325
Sword Noir 106

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit: 35
Line Zero: 32
Relief Effort: 52

Modern Medieval
Gunpowder Plots: 73
Man-At-Arms Advanced Class: 36
Mercenary Advanced Class: 39
Spy Advanced Class: 34
Modern Medieval Compilation: 46
(for Japanese Disaster Relief)

Roles & Classes
Capable Hero: 84
Combat Hero: 83
Counter-Terrorism Assaulter: 95
Covert Hero: 92
Spec Ops Recce: 93
Special Operations Marksman: 93
Talent Trees Assembled: 68

Treasure Chest Unlocked
Gems: 66
Incense: 7

Monthly Sales for March

The sales this month were skewed due to having two charity products, the proceeds of which have been donated to the Red Cross for Japanese Disaster Relief. In total, we were able to raise $234.50 USD. That’s not bad.

So here are the numbers. Those products that were in the Japan Disaster Relief Bundle have not had those sales added to their numbers, as I don’t really consider those “sales.”

March Sales
Albenistan Series
Albenistan: Election Day 1
Khorforjan Gambit       1
Qalashar Device       1
Raid On Ashkashem       2

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms       4
For Simple Coin       5

Spec Ops
Blood and Guts 2: In Her Majesty’s Service       1
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section       3
Covert Forces Redux       4

Relief Effort       5
Japan Relief Bundle 21 (raised $73.50)
Modern Medieval 46 (raised $161.00)

Total Sales
Albenistan Series
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113): 28
Khorforjan Gambit: 86
Qalashar Device: 100
Raid On Ashkashem: 139

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section: 80
Covert Forces: 100
Covert Forces Redux: 127
In Her Majesty’s Service: 113

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms: 9
For Simple Coin: 10

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit: 35
Line Zero: 32
Relief Effort: 52

Modern Medieval
Gunpowder Plots: 73
Man-At-Arms Advanced Class: 36
Mercenary Advanced Class: 39
Spy Advanced Class: 34
Modern Medieval Compilation: 46
(for Japanese Disaster Relief)

Roles & Classes
Capable Hero: 84
Combat Hero: 83
Counter-Terrorism Assaulter: 95
Covert Hero: 92
Spec Ops Recce: 93
Special Operations Marksman: 93
Talent Trees Assembled: 68

Treasure Chest Unlocked
Gems: 66
Incense: 7

Monthly Sales for February

SEP had two new releases last month (Arcane Kingdoms and For Simple Coin). Unfortunately, neither one has worked out that well. Five copies each. That’s it. While it does bother me—though I never had huge openings—it’s pretty easy to get over the disappointment knowing that they’ll probably continue to sell one or two copies a month. What does worry me is that Sword Noir and Kiss My Axe, into which I’ve sunk real money, will perform about the same. That would suck. I think more marketing will need to be done for at least Sword Noir.

But, here are the numbers.

February Sales
Albenistan Series
Albenistan: Election Day 1
Khorforjan Gambit       2
Qalashar Device       1
Raid On Ashkashem       1

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms       5
For Simple Coin       5

Covert Forces
Blood and Guts 2: In Her Majesty’s Service       2
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section       3
Covert Forces Redux       4

Relief Effort       2

Total Sales
Albenistan Series
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113) 27
Khorforjan Gambit 85
Qalashar Device 99
Raid On Ashkashem 137

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section: 76
Covert Forces 100
Covert Forces Redux 123
In Her Majesty’s Service 112

Arcane Kingdoms
Arcane Kingdoms 5
For Simple Coin 5

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit 35
Line Zero 32
Relief Effort 47

Modern Medieval
Gunpowder Plots 73
Man-At-Arms Advanced Class 36
Mercenary Advanced Class 39
Spy Advanced Class 34

Roles & Classes
Capable Hero 84
Combat Hero 83
Counter-Terrorism Assaulter 95
Covert Hero 92
Spec Ops Recce 93
Special Operations Marksman 93
Talent Trees Assembled 68

December’s Sales

Late again, but if you’ve seen the last couple of posts, you’ll realize I was a little bit busy.

It will be interesting to see how the numbers change in the next few months. Not only will new products be released—which always gets the backlist going—SEP is moving to an exclusive agreement with One Book Shelf, the company that runs both RPG Now and Drive Thru RPG. Pretty soon, our products will only be found on those sites.

While changes are in store, December was pretty much as standard month. A little bit of product moved, but the money that SEP got once commissions and webhosting were paid, wasn’t even enough for a case of beer. Now that is sad.

December Sales
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113) 1
Khorforjan Gambit 1
Qalashar Device 1
Raid On Ashkashem 1

Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section 1

Line Zero 1

All Time Sales
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113)      26
Khorforjan Gambit      83
Qalashar Device      98
Raid On Ashkashem      136

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section: 73
Covert Forces      100
Covert Forces Redux      119
In Her Majesty’s Service      110

Modern Medieval
Gunpowder Plots      73
Man-At-Arms Advanced Class      36
Mercenary Advanced Class      39
Spy Advanced Class      34

Roles & Classes
Capable Hero      84
Combat Hero      83
Counter-Terrorism Assaulter      95
Covert Hero      92
Spec Ops Recce      93
Special Operations Marksman      93
Talent Trees Assembled      68

Treasure Chest Unlocked
Gems     66
Incense    7

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit      35
Line Zero      32
Relief Effort      45

November’s Sales

If there is anyone still out there (Google analytics says there are still a few of you) you might be wondering about the November numbers for SEP. The numbers were about normal for us, what with SEP being pretty much a ghost. There should be activity in 2011, and it’ll be interesting to see what how new releases affect the numbers for old products.

November’s Sales
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113) 1
Khorforjan Gambit 1
Qalashar Device 1
Raid On Ashkashem 1
Covert Forces Redux 1

Sales to Date
Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113) 20
Khorforjan Gambit 78
Qalashar Device 91
Raid On Ashkashem 129

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section 72
Covert Forces 100
Covert Forces Redux 103
In Her Majesty’s Service 110

Modern Medieval
Gunpowder Plots 73
Man-At-Arms Advanced Class 36
Mercenary Advanced Class 39
Spy Advanced Class 34

Roles & Classes
Capable Hero 84
Combat Hero 83
Counter-Terrorism Assaulter 95
Covert Hero 92
Spec Ops Recce 93
Special Operations Marksman 93
Talent Trees Assembled 68

Treasure Chest Unlocked
Gems 66
Incense 7

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit 21
Line Zero 28
Relief Effort 45

June Sales Data

A little late, but then June was a slow month and there are a lot of things going on in July. As you can see, SEP is not exactly a hot and going concern. This month, not even enough money to pay for hosting for sites and for the podcast. The next month might make up for it, or it might not.

C’est la vie.

Total Sales for June
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section 1
Covert Forces Redux 1

Total Sales to Date

Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113) 19
Khorforjan Gambit 77
Qalashar Device 90
Raid On Ashkashem 128

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section 72
Covert Forces 97
Covert Forces Redux 102
In Her Majesty’s Service 109

Modern Medieval
Gunpowder Plots 73
Man-At-Arms Advanced Class 36
Mercenary Advanced Class 39
Spy Advanced Class 34

Roles & Classes
Capable Hero 84
Combat Hero 83
Counter-Terrorism Assaulter 95
Covert Hero 92
Spec Ops Recce 93
Special Operations Marksman 93
Talent Trees Assembled 68

Treasure Chest Unlocked
Gems 66
Incense 7

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit 21
Line Zero 28
Relief Effort 45

I’m Showin’ You Mine

A lot of companies do it, and I’m always interested in seeing it, so I figured I’d release SEP’s sales data. I have never done this before because SEP is such a minor, minor players, and the numbers are–frankly–embarrassing. The fact is, these cannot be compared to sales numbers from Evil Hat (for example), because Evil Hat does print products. All our sales recorded here are PDF.

Also, this is not necessarily accurate. Since the merger of Drive-Thru RPGs and RPG Now into One Book Shelf, I think some sales data has disappeared.

Keep in mind we published our first product in September of 2004. That was Raid on Ashkashem

I’m also going to post the monthly sales. You have to understand, other than this site, SEP does nothing to market itself any longer. Last month was a really, really good month. Later month’s figures should give you a better idea of how slow things are moving for us.

So, without further ado, the sales figures.

To Date:

Albenistan: Election Day (Modern Dispatch 113):   19
Khorforjan Gambit:   77
Qalashar Device:   90
Raid On Ashkashem:   128

Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section:   70
Covert Forces:   97
Covert Forces Redux:   99
In Her Majesty’s Service:   107

Modern Medieval
Gunpowder Plots:   73
Man-At-Arms Advanced Class:   36
Mercenary Advanced Class:   39
Spy Advanced Class:   34

Roles & Classes
Capable Hero:   84
Combat Hero:   83
Counter-Terrorism Assaulter:   95
Covert Hero:   92
Spec Ops Recce:   93
Special Operations Marksman:   93
Talent Trees Assembled:   68

Treasure Chest Unlocked
Gems:  66
Incense: 7

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit:   21
Line Zero:   26
Relief Effort:   45

Sales for March
Covert Forces
Canada’s Combined Security Reconnaissance Section:   2
Covert Forces Redux:   5
In Her Majesty’s Service:   3

Albenistan Series
Khorforjan Gambit:   1
Qalashar Device:   1

Cyber-state Avatar Toolkit:   1
Relief Effort:   1