As part of Savage Zanzibar (a name I’m using now but did not use when I was working on the project), I created a selection of pre-generated characters. This was not due to the intrinsic linking of the characters to the plot (my usual reason for pre-gens in home game) but due to ease of use for the players (my usual reason for pre-gens at a con).
Here are the basics for those pre-gens. Be forewarned, I am by no means an expert with Savage Worlds, so there may be errors.
Experience: 20 Seasoned
Agility: d8; Smarts: d6; Spirit: d4; Strength: d6; Vigour: d6
Skills: Fighting d8; Guts d6; Notice d4; Shooting d8; Survival d8; Tracking d6
Pace: 2m; Parry: d8; Toughness: d6; Charisma -1
Hindrance: All Thumbs; Habit (choose 1 minor); Self-Image (choose)
Edge: Ambidextrous; Danger Sense; Two-Fisted
Equipment: Wilkins Navy Revolver (4/8/16, 2d6+2, 5 shots); Wilkins Percussion Revolver (4/8/16, 2d6-1, 5 shots); Springfield .52 Breechloading Rifle (5/10/20, 2d8, 1 shot); Bowie knife (Str+2); sundry other equipment
Resource: Royal Geographic Society – the character is well-known to the members and those interested in the Royal Geographic Society and can request information or minor assistance
Experience: 20 Seasoned
Agility: d6; Smarts: d8; Spirit: d6; Strength: d4; Vigour: d6
Skills: Fighting d8; Gambling d10; Persuasion d8+2; Riding d6; Shooting d4; Taunt d8+2
Pace: 2m; Parry: d8+1; Toughness: d6
Hindrance: Clueless; Disowned; Greedy (minor)
Edge: Block; Boxing; Fight Dirty; Witty
Equipment: Able & Sons Percussion Dueling Pistols (pair, 4/7/13, 2d6+2, 1 shot); silver and metal-shod walking stick with sword (Str+2); sundry other equipment
Resource: High Society – the character has contacts in the upper class and can request information or minor assistance
Note: when unarmed, Fighting d8, Parry d8+1, damage d4+4
Experience: 20 Seasoned
Agility: d6; Smarts: d8; Spirit: d6; Strength: d4; Vigour: d6
Skills: Fighting d6; Guts d6; Investigation d8+2; Notice d8+4; Persuasion d6; Shooting d4+2; Stealth d4; Streetwise d8+2
Pace: 2m; Parry: d6; Toughness: d6
Hindrance: Heroic
Edge: Alertness; Investigator; Keen Eyes
Equipment: Charleston & Co. Percussion Pepperbox (3/6/12, 2d6-1, 5 shots); baton (Str+2); notebook and pencil; sundry other equipment
Resource: Police Contact – the character has a contact within the police and can request minor assistance
Military Doctor
Experience: 20 Seasoned
Agility: d6; Smarts: d10; Spirit: d6; Strength: d4; Vigour: d6
Skills: Fighting d8; Gambling d8; Healing d10+4; Knowledge (medicine) d8+2; Persuasion d6; Shooting d6
Pace: 1.5m; Parry: d8; Toughness: d6
Hindrance: Lame; Loyal; Pacifist (minor)
Edge: Healer; Level-Headed; Skilled (Healing, Knowledge [medicine])
Equipment: Barnes Percussion Pistol (concealable, 3/6/12, 2d6+1, 1 shot); metal-headed walking stick (Str+3); medical kit in a doctor’s bag; sundry other equipment
Resource: Medical Licence – the character can legally practise medicine and has access to other medical practitioners with which to consult or refer
Experience: 20 Seasoned
Agility: d4; Smarts: d8; Spirit: d10; Strength: d4; Vigour: d6
Skills: Fighting d4; Guts d10; Investigation d6+2; Knowledge (occult) d8; Notice d8; Persuasion d10+2
Pace: 2m; Parry: d8; Toughness: d6
Hindrance: Anemic; Cautious; Curious
Edge: Inquisitive; Luck; Smart Defence
Equipment: Barnes Percussion Pistol (concealable, 3/6/12, 2d6+1, 1 shot); walking stick (Str+2); sundry other equipment
Resource: Occult Contacts – the character is well known within occult circles and can request information or minor assistance
Experience: 20 Seasoned
Agility: d10; Smarts: d4; Spirit: d4; Strength: d6; Vigour: d8
Skills: Boating d8; Climbing d6+2; Fighting d6; Gambling d6; Intimidation d6; Shooting d6; Swimming d6+2; Throwing d6
Pace: 2m; Parry: d6+1; Toughness: d8
Hindrance: Big Mouth; Loyal
Edge: Acrobat, Athletic
Equipment: Barnes Horseman’s Pistol (4/8/16, 2d6+2, 1 shot); long knife (damage d6+2); sundry other equipment
Resource: Merchant Guild – the character has contacts in the among the merchants and independent captains and can request information or minor assistance
Experience: 20 Seasoned
Agility: d8; Smarts: d4; Spirit: d8; Strength: d6; Vigour: d6
Skills: Boating d8; Climbing d6; Fighting d8; Guts d6; Intimidation d8; Swimming d8; Shooting d6-2
Pace: 2m; Parry: d6; Toughness: d6+1
Hindrance: One Eye; Illiterate;
Edge: Brawny, Deceitful
Equipment: Barnes Percussion Pistol (concealable, 3/6/12, 2d6+1, 1 shot); long knife (damage d6+2); patch over eye; sundry other equipment
Resource: The Docks – the character has contacts in the among the sailors and dockside merchants and can request information or minor assistance
Soldier of Fortune
Experience: 20 Seasoned
Agility: d10; Smarts: d4; Spirit: d6; Strength: d6; Vigour: d6
Skills Fighting d10; Guts d6; Intimidation d6; Notice d4; Shooting d12
Pace: 2m; Parry: d10; Toughness: d6
Hindrance: Code of Honour, Doubting Thomas, Quirk (choose one minor quirk)
Edge: Marksman, Quick, Quick Draw, Trademark Weapon (Wilkins Navy Revolver)
Equipment: Wilkins Navy Revolver (+1 Shooting, 4/8/16, 2d6+2, 5 shots); Springfield .52 Breechloading Rifle (5/10/20, 2d8, 1 shot); Bowie knife (Str+2); sundry other equipment
Resource: Armoury – per session, d8 to have a specific weapon or armament; can make a shooting check to negotiate over prices of armaments
Experience: 20 Seasoned
Agility: d8; Smarts: d6; Spirit: d6; Strength: d6; Vigour: d6
Skills: Climb d6+2; Fighting d6; Lockpick d8+2; Notice d6+2; Shooting d6; Stealth d8+2; Streetwise d6
Pace: 2m; Parry: d6; Toughness: d6
Hindrance: Enemy (minor-who?); Vengeance (minor); Wanted (major – where and why?)
Edge: Alertness; Light Fingers; Quick; Thief
Equipment: Barnes Percussion Pistol (concealable, 3/6/12, 2d6+1, 1 shot); flick knife (Str+1); lockpicks; sundry other equipment
Resource: Underworld – the character has contacts in the criminal underworld and can request information or minor assistance