My original plan was to Kickstart Nefertiti Overdrive in October, that’s why I was pushing hard to get the Quickstart out in September.
I got the Quickstart out in September, but then realized Feng Shui 2 was Kickstarting until October. Feng Shui 2 has hit almost $120,000 as of writing, and probably $130,000 as of publishing this post. It’s a great game, so I am not surprised at all by that amount.
Unfortunately, it’s selling points are very similar to Nefertiti Overdrive, and I would imagine many of the people interested in high octane action in Ancient Egypt may have already pledged their budget.
As much as I hate to delay Nefertiti Overdrive more, kicking now is probably asking for trouble. Further, the holiday season (US Thanksgiving to New Year’s) is also apparently a deadzone. I really don’t want to wait until January after getting the Quickstart out in September, so my decision is either to chance it in November or wait until January.
Honestly, I am pretty much ready to just say “fuck it” and pull the trigger. If it happens, it happens, and if not . . . well, maybe there just isn’t the interest in this game to justify the money I want to invest in it.
So stay tuned while I wrestle with my doubts and demons and figure out what I want to do.
You can blow your budget on Feng Shui 2 here.
You can read the Quickstart here and then be so amazed that you save your allowance until it kicks.